
Clouds Taste Satanic

Clouds Taste Satanic was born and raised in Brooklyn New York. The idea was to meld the heavy minimalist approach of Sleep and Earth with the heavy instrumental approach of Bongripper and Pelican.

The idea was to meld the heavy minimalist approach of Sleep and Earth with the heavy instrumental approach of Bongripper and Pelican.  Since 2013, Clouds has carried the torch for Instrumental Doom/Stoner, releasing eight albums in their 10-year history.  Having forged their own unique path, they have taken their dense and layered music to the stages of such illustrious festivals as Desertfest NYC, Esbjerg Fuzztival and the Maryland Doom Festival.  Their ninth album, 79 A.E., is scheduled to be release on March 1st, 2024 on Majestic Mountain Records.

Desertfest London 2024